Agenternas världskrig – Jan Guillou berättar
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Agenternas världskrig – Jan Guillou berättar

Med författaren Jan Guillou som ciceron möter vi fyra kvinnor som drogs in i den lika farliga som hemliga agentverksamheten under andra världskriget. ...Den norska kontorsflickan Eva Kløvstad insåg plötsligt att hon måste bygga upp den motståndsverksamhet som nazisterna i hennes hemtrakt lyckats rasera. Karin Lannby, ungkommunist, poet och äventyrerska blev en av den svenska underrättelsetjänstens viktigaste agenter. Jane Horney misstänktes vara tysk spion och avrättades av den danska motståndsrörelsen. Och så Sonja Wigert, den firade norska skådespelerskan som rekryterades av den svenska underrättelsetjänsten för att infiltrera den högsta tyska ledningen i sitt ockuperade hemland.

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Agenternas världskrig – Jan Guillou berättar is a captivating documentary that delves into the dangerous and secret world of espionage during World War II. Guided by the renowned author Jan Guillou, this film introduces us to four remarkable women who were drawn into the high-stakes world of espionage.

We meet Eva Kløvstad, a Norwegian office worker who realized the urgent need to rebuild the resistance movement in her homeland, which had been devastated by the Nazis. Karin Lannby, a young communist, poet, and adventurer, emerges as one of the most crucial agents for the Swedish intelligence service. Her skills prove to be invaluable in the pursuit of vital intelligence.

Jane Horney, on the other hand, finds herself suspected of being a German spy and tragically executed by the Danish resistance movement. Finally, Sonja Wigert, a celebrated Norwegian actress, is recruited by the Swedish intelligence service to infiltrate the highest echelons of German leadership in her occupied home country.

Through extraordinary archival footage and interviews with historians, Agenternas världskrig – Jan Guillou berättar brings these gripping stories to life. This documentary not only sheds light on the bravery and sacrifices of these women but also explores the complex web of espionage activities and the immense risks they took to help their countries during one of the deadliest conflicts in history.

Also Known As:

Agenternas världskrig - Jan Guillou berättar

Release Date:

26 Dec 2019


Lars-Olof Lamperts