Clara Sola is a captivating Costa Rican film that tells the story of Clara, a reclusive 40-year-old woman living in a remote village. Clara's life is plagued by the oppressive religious and social conventions that have dominated her existence. However, a series of events trigger a sexual and mystical awakening within her, leading her on a transformative journey towards freedom.
Directed by Nathalie Álvarez Mesén, Clara Sola explores themes of female empowerment, sexuality, and the battle against societal norms. The film beautifully depicts Clara's struggle to break free, challenging the audience to question their own beliefs and perceptions.
Set against the stunning backdrop of the Costa Rican countryside, the film captures the rich cultural heritage and traditional customs of the region. The picturesque landscapes add depth and beauty to Clara's introspective journey.
With sublime performances from the cast, particularly Wendy Chinchilla in the lead role, Clara Sola is an intimate and thought-provoking film that delves deep into the complexities of human desires and the search for self-empowerment.
Critically acclaimed and widely praised at international film festivals, Clara Sola is a must-watch for cinephiles seeking a thought-provoking and visually stunning cinematic experience.
Also Known As:
Clara SolaRelease Date:
26 Nov 2021Writers:
Maria Camila Arias, Nathalie Álvarez MesénAwards:
20 wins & 23 nominations