The animated series Harley Quinn follows the journey of the iconic character as she ventures into Gotham City, determined to establish herself as an independent figure. Breaking free from her tumultuous relationship with the Joker, Harley Quinn seeks to prove her worth as a formidable force in a male-dominated world filled with notorious villains.
With her loyal crew by her side, including Poison Ivy, Doctor Psycho, King Shark, and Clayface, Harley embarks on a thrilling adventure to carve out her own path and find her true identity. Along the way, she faces countless obstacles and confronts some of Gotham's most formidable foes, such as the Riddler, Scarecrow, and Bane.
The show is a unique blend of humor, action, and character development, offering a fresh take on the beloved DC character. Each episode delves into Harley's evolution as she learns to embrace her individuality and become a self-made anti-hero.
Harley Quinn explores themes of empowerment, friendship, and self-discovery, ultimately presenting a strong female lead who refuses to be defined by her past. With its witty writing, impressive animation, and a star-studded voice cast including Kaley Cuoco as Harley Quinn, the series is an entertaining and engaging addition to the DC Universe.
Full of twists, laughs, and a dash of anarchy, Harley Quinn promises an exhilarating viewing experience and a heartfelt exploration of one of DC's most compelling characters.
Also Known As:
Harley QuinnRelease Date:
29 Nov 2019Writers:
Justin Halpern, Dean Lorey, Patrick SchumackerAwards:
12 wins & 27 nominations total