The Apprentice (2024) is a riveting biographical drama that delves into the early years of real-estate mogul Donald Trump's career in 1970s and '80s New York. With the guidance of the notorious lawyer Roy M. Cohn, Trump navigates the cutthroat world of real estate, making bold and controversial decisions that shape his path to success. As Trump builds his empire from the ground up, he faces numerous challenges and obstacles that test his resilience and determination.
The film explores the complex relationship between Trump and Cohn, shedding light on the influence and impact of their partnership on Trump's rise to prominence. Through a series of compelling and authentic performances, viewers are given a glimpse into the ambitious and driven nature of a young Donald Trump as he transforms his dreams into reality.
The Apprentice (2024) is a captivating tale of ambition, power, and the highstakes world of real estate, offering a fascinating look at the early years of one of the most polarizing figures in modern history. Experience the journey of a young man on the cusp of greatness in this gripping and unforgettable story.
Also Known As:
The ApprenticeRelease Date:
11 Oct 2024Writers:
Gabriel ShermanAwards:
2 nominations